A “SAFETY WEB” for Reading to Learn

(for readers of all ages)

This “Safety Net” or, better said, “Safety Web,” uses “Interactive Orthography” to support less-than-proficient readers during the real-time flow of “Reading to Learn.” Click on any word on this page to experience it yourself.

Most U.S. kids less-than-proficient readers throughout their school years.

Independent LearnersHome & Family – ClassroomSchool LibraryPublic Library

The Safety Web for Reading to Learn provides less-than-proficient readers with instant on-the-fly help in recognizing/reading/pronouncing ANY unfamiliar word they encounter. It doesn’t just read the word out loud for them (which would short-circuit learning to improve decoding). It provides animated multimedia ‘hints’ / ‘cues’ that prompt and guide word recognition. These pronunciation prompting cues (PQs we call them) are used within a series of scaffolds that advance in response to learner interaction. When first touched or clicked, the word displayed is broken into smaller and more readable segments. Additional clicks progress through seeing and hearing the word’s letter-sound-spelling patterns, seeing and hearing an animated sounding-out of the word, and finally, hearing the word read out loud.  The Safety Web also provides readers an instant access reference library to help them understand any unfamiliar word they encounter. The reference library includes definitions, synonyms, word roots, and translations into a number of available languages.

When used via the Magic Ladder Chrome Extension, the Safety Web works with billions of pages on the internet, including most of the largest educational content sites:

With a few lines of code, the Safety Web for Reading to Learn API can be easily added to websites, web pages, blogs, e-books, and apps. The Safety Web App can be added to public non-profit content/sites for free.  It can be added to subscription and fee-based content, sites, and apps for a small fee.  Click here to talk with us about adding the Safety Web App to your content or application.

For use in home, classroom, school library, and public library settings, the Safety Web system also includes an instructor-student sharing system called “MyStuff”. With MyStuff, teachers, librarians, and parents can place content (including PDFs, Google Docs, HTML, text) into Google Drive folders that then become supported by the Safety Web’s Interactive Orthography functions (and automatically made available to designated learner devices) (more).

Also for use in home, classroom, school library, and public library settings, the Safety Web system includes a page into which teachers, librarians, parents, and/or learners themselves can paste content from their device’s clipboard. Once pasted, the content is automatically processed and rendered fully supported by Interactive Orthography (more).
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